Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Wrong turn

The other day as I was driving from the beach, having met up with some friends, to my church for a board meeting I experienced something that left me speachless just about the rest of the eavning. About half way there is a big roundabout where I have to take the third exit i.e. a left turn. Now, as I came up to the roundabout there was a car in front that indicated to the left. He stopped, so as to check that the coast was clear and then he proceeded to turn left (sic) in the roundabout and headed the wrong way around. I took the roundabout in the correct direction and met him half way around. As I met him I got a good glance at a 50 year old bald man who didn't actually look too lost.

What is your most bizarre motoring experience? I'd love to hear som good stories!


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